Elvin Unleashed
Elvin Unleashed Podcast
Three Radical Political Scenarios that can Save America Immediately or early next year!
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -14:23

Three Radical Political Scenarios that can Save America Immediately or early next year!

This is the Podcast Version for listening!

Welcome to Elvin Unleashed!

Our country is foundering with the weakest and most feckless Administration in generations…one that has made decisions and conducted actions that are counter to our strength, majesty and historical might and influence Internationally. We have become an insignificant laughing stock around the world, and our enemies are poised, or in the process of taking advantage of that weakness. Our country is in chaos with no end in sight.

Two-thirds of our citizens are bracing themselves, their families and their businesses for three more years of the same pathetic leadership, and desperately hoping that we don’t completely collapse before the 2024 Election when we can finally, and potentially change our leadership and return to American Greatness.

The reasons are crystal clear…The Covid Response and mandates, Unfettered Illegal Immigration, The Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal, The Oil and Gas Energy Crisis, The Climate Scam, Uncontrollable Inflation, Massive Crime Increases Nationwide, and the Administration’s Cow-Towing to China, Iran, and other countries’ demands while concentrating more on equity, gender issues, unproven racism, and wide open borders. The list goes on and on…and the progressive Left is in control with their pie-in-the-sky ideas that wind and sun power will heal the world and solve our energy needs. Apparently, they think that Air Force One needs electric engines!

The majority of Americans are feeling the pain and anguish of our developing demise, and many are left in despair, without much hope for a significant recovery in the coming years.

There ARE, however, three scenarios that could turn the country around MUCH sooner than a hoped-for change after the  2024 election. Any one of the three could stop the incessant bleeding we are currently barely enduring.  These three scenarios may seem impossible or far-fetched, but they are absolutely in line with our Constitution, and would only take the courage and fortitude of some to enact. All three are laid out in Amendments to the Constitution, but relatively unknown to our mostly civics-uneducated public.

Two of them have immediacy, while the third would follow the 2022 mid-term elections.We begin with the 25th amendment of the Constitution…and specifically Section 2 of that Amendment.

Scenario #1

As most are aware, should the President become incapacitated, die, or be removed from office by impeachment or otherwise, under the rules of the Amendment, the Vice President shall immediately be sworn in as the President of the United States, and will remain in that position until either the next National Election, or removed due to incapacitation, death, or Impeachment.

In the Case of our current Administration, Kamala Harris would accede to the Oval Office where she would serve until January 2025 unless otherwise previously removed from office. Many would say a President Harris is unthinkable and the end of the world…but it is NOT!

It is actually something that would be highly desirable and would essentially halt all Progressive and damaging bills that are either now being debated, and those over the next three years pushed by the Progressive Left.

How, you might ask?…. Well, it is precisely due to the requirements of Section 2 of the 25th Amendment.  To wit, Section 2 states the following:

This comes into play because a President Harris would have to NOMINATE a new Vice President…and that individual would have to be CONFIRMED BY A MAJORITY VOTE in BOTH houses of Congress.

In a 50-50 split Senate as it is now, a tie vote defeats a confirmation and there would be no sitting Vice President to break a tie!  DONE!

So a President Harris would not be able to seat a Vice President, having failed to have a  Nominee confirmed and would have to do without until the next Presidential Election. With no Vice President in office to be the tie-breaker for senate votes…the Republicans could defeat any bill presented by a tie which means those bills being voted on would fail.  No Filibustering required!  There is no “out” for the Administration in this scenario…though the President could still VETO bills that WERE passed, and that would still require a ⅔ majority of both the House and the Senate to override.

This could be called the Limbo scenario. It could halt all damaging bills like the “Build Back Better” fiasco that would otherwise damage our economy, raise taxes, and otherwise hurt our country.

The 2024 Election would then be the time for this scenario to complete.

Scenario # 2

Kamala Harris has been unequivocally a disaster at any function she has been give the job of doing by the President. She is incompetent, amateurish, error-prone and she’s out of her depth and ill-equipped to deal with virtually all national and international issues. She has earned an even lower favorability rating than the current President’s, which is already one of the most shockingly low in history. The fact that Harris has eclipsed the sitting President’s own low ratings is in itself an amazing accomplishment! Unheard of, and unmatched by any other Vice President in the last 50 plus years.

Harris’s White House Staff is leaving and abandoning her in droves. The working conditions under her are said to be intolerable and many fear for their future careers due to their resumes having to reflect their working participation in her office, and the amateurish ineffectiveness and total lack of her political and negotiating skills for which they are in part responsible for.

It is abundantly obvious that Biden and his staff clearly regret having nominated her to run together on the ballot in the first place. Now, 13 months later, it would appear that the Administration is done with her. She is no longer given any REAL functions other than being a backdrop for the President at speeches and White House functions.

The potential of her being forced by the President to resign, or simply be fired, is becoming more of a reality by the day. It is certainly not unthinkable that Biden would do that, if for no other reason than to try and recover some of his own unfavorable ratings by doing so. Even more to the point…if he is ‘really’ considering a second run for the White House in 2024, he most certainly would not want Harris on the same ticket with him again.

If Harris was to be canned or forced to resign, the same situation as outlined in the first Scenario  would immediately come into play!  That is, that Biden would have to nominate a new Vice President, and that person would have to be confirmed by a MAJORITY Vote in BOTH houses of Congress, and no sitting Vice President to break a tie in the Senate unless or until someone is confirmed! Once again this would create a stalemate until the 2024 election, and give the Republicans the ability to block passage of all questionable Senate Bills..without the need for filibustering them. It would be a strong win for Conservatives!

Finally, there is Scenario #3…specifically how Donald J Trump could take back the Presidency….NOT in January of 2025, but rather in the first few months following the 2022 mid-term elections! Let me elucidate how this could occur!

It is becoming clearer and clearer that the 2022 mid-term elections are likely to result in a landslide for conservatives and specifically the Republican Party. It is highly probably that the Republicans will take over majority of the House of Representatives and probably the Senate as well.  This will be a tectonic shift in control…but the White House will still be occupied by an ever-increasing Progressive President and Vice President (if previous scenarios I have spoke about earlier have not taken place)

This unique scenario takes advantage of long-standing House of Representative Rules… specifically that a vote is taken at the opening of the new two-year House Session to determine the individual who will be elected and serve as Speaker of the House for the next two-year term. That person is third in line to the presidency, and becomes the President should the two higher offices suddenly become vacant. As of this writing, the Speaker position is filled by Nancy Pelosi.

The key for this potential scenario is that the person voted by the House members to be the Speaker of the House does NOT have to be an elected Congressman…or elected by the populace at all. It can literally be the plumber down the street if the House so chooses!

This means that if the Republicans take the House in 2022, they ‘could’ elect Donald J Trump to become the Speaker of the House for the new two year session. He would then be third in line to the Oval Office while Speaker of the House.

In that instance, and following Trump being seated as Speaker of the House, a new Bill to Impeach both Biden and Harris for REAL and justified reasons that are clearly within the scope of impeachable offenses could be passed and a new Majority Senate could then also ratify in their chamber. 

A trial would ensue, and likely succeed if Republicans control both houses. Biden and Harris would be removed from office and Trump, being the Speaker of the House would immediately accede to the Presidency and Rep. Kevin McCarthy would likely take the Speaker’s Chair.  This is not hyperbole! It is a REAL and POTENTIAL plan that could succeed.

The question is then raised if Trump could still run again in 2024, having served a second time as President…and the answer is an unequivocal YES.

Fortunately, the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution specifically addresses this issue.
As read, it states in Section 1:

The portion “for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of President more than once”  is paramount

In other words, if a vice president (or another person in the line of succession, like the Speaker of the House) ends up serving out less than two years of a term for someone who resigned, died, or was impeached, they can technically serve for two terms of their own. In that case, they will have spent 10 years as POTUS.

If Trump took the White House AFTER the official inauguration day in January 2023…even if only by one day, he would be eligible to run again in 2024 for a full four-year term. The key in the 22nd amendment is “MORE than two years.

These three scenarios, while backed by the Constitution, and while probably considered extreme, unlikely or last resort, are generally unknown by our unfortunately civics-ignorant population, but are real and doable.  Our founding fathers and those who later authored the various Amendments to the Constitution, definitely knew what they were doing.  The clauses and features of those Amendments have given us an opportunity to correct bad decisions and right wrongs, and any one of these three could save us from what we are being subjected to as citizens and as a country under this current inept and useless regime.

We need a change…and we need it NOW!  America must rise again.

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Until next we meet,

I am Frank Elvin Trinkle, and this has been “Elvin Unleashed”.

